Outdoor Volunteers in New England
10:00am Newburyport, MA Parker River National Wildlife Refuge (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
10:00am Manchester, NH Friends of Piscataquog River Park
1:00pm Hampton, NH NH Sea Grant Extension
10:00am Hampton, NH NH Sea Grant Extension
9:00am York, ME York Land Trust
10:00am Portsmouth, NH NH Division of Forests and Lands
6:30pm NH Butterfly Monitoring Network
7:00pm The Society for the Protection of NH Forests
1:00pm Lincoln, MA Town of Lincoln Conservation Department and Lincoln Land Conservation Trust
10:00am Atkinson, NH Atkinson Conservation Commission
6:00pm Atkinson, NH Atkinson Conservation Commission
11:00am Portsmouth, NH Gundalow Company
2:00pm Peterborough, NH NH Division of Forests and Lands
9:00am Portsmouth, NH The Society for the Protection of NH Forests
9:00am Gilford, NH Belknap County Conservation District
5:00pm Portsmouth, NH Gundalow Company
8:30am Concord, NH UNH Extension Natural Resources
9:00am York, ME Mount Agamenticus Conservation Program
9:00am Concord, NH Nature Groupie
10:00am Exeter, NH New Hampshire Fish & Game
10:00am Topsfield, MA Invasive Plants Task Force
12:00pm Concord, NH Nature Groupie
1:00pm Holderness, Squam Lakes Association
9:30am Woodbury, CT Flanders Nature Center & Land Trust
10:00am Milton Mills, NH Branch Hill Farm
12:00pm Durham, NH UNH Office of Woodlands & Natural Areas
9:00am Newmarket, NH Newmarket Conservation Commission
9:00am South Berwick, ME South Berwick Recreation
7:00pm York, ME York Land Trust
8:00am Dover, NH Joe B Parks Riverwalk Public Gardens
9:00am Londonderry, NH Beautify Londonderry
5:00pm East Kingston, NH East Kingston Conservation Commission