Just Dune It!
NH Sea Grant Extension
Saturday, April 5, 2025 • 10:00am–12:00pm
About the Event
Join us in transplanting native dune vegetation to restore fragile habitat at Plaice Cove, in Hampton, NH! Over the years, this area has been affected by winter storms, and we need your help!
Dunes are an important asset to our coastline. They provide habitat for wildlife, and protect our communities from flooding, sea level rise, and coastal erosion.
At this event, we'll be transplanting plants harvested the previous day (April 4 - sign up separately) at Hampton Beach State Park. Come learn about dunes, get sandy, and have fun!
What to bring
Snacks, water, and all planting tools and materials will be provided. Please dress for the weather; hat and gloves are highly recommended!
Sign Up!
- Sign Up Saturday, April 5, 2025 • 10:00am–12:00pm
Contact Wells Costello at wellsley.costello@unh.edu or (603) 862-6707.