Volunteers gathered

Hiking Trail Maintenance

Chatham Trails Association

32 AMC Road
North Chatham, NH 03813
United States

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High Adventure




About the Event

Chatham Trails Association maintains 40 miles of hiking trails in the WMNF. Memorial Weekend our crew will perform essential maintenance (drainage, clearing brush and blowdowns) and condition assessments of all of our trails. Crews will be out Saturday and Sunday.

Volunteers will be on the trails Saturday 8-4; Sunday 8-4 and Monday 8-noon

No experience necessary. CTA provides tools, training and coaching. Arrive Friday afternoon; stay through Monday noon CTA provides lodging and meals at the AMC Cold River Camp at no cost. Register online at our website: chathamtrails.org Questions? contact trailmaster@chathamtrails.org

What to bring

Bring sleeping bag or linens, headlamp, personal supplies for the weekend. Day pack, water bottle, and clothing appropriate for the weather. Bring your favorite trail tools if you wish.

Youth Instructions

Young volunteers are welcome. Youth should be capable of hiking several miles and being on the trail all day. Youth will be supervised by their parents/guardian on the trail and in camp. Parents/guardian of youth under the age of 12 must contact the Trailmaster not less than two weeks before the work weekend to discuss the suitability of planned work for their children.


Contact Michael Zlogar at mzlogar@comcast.net or 413-530-3796.

Location Details
