volunteer teaching

AMC Vol Naturalist - Maine (summer dates, inquire now)

Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC)

100 Mile Wilderness
Monson, ME
United States

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High Adventure




About the Event

Reach out in February, if interested! AMC's lakeside lodges in the 100-Mile Wilderness of Maine are looking for new Volunteer Naturalists for 4 (or more!) days/nights each summer. These volunteers provide educational programming, primarily through evening programs and morning nature walks. You can choose your own (relevant) program topics to match your interests. You will only volunteer a few hours per day, so most of your time is your own to paddle, hike, bike, explore, observe the dark night sky, or just relax by the lake.

**In addition to our Maine lodges, AMC also has Vol Naturalist opportunities in New Hampshire at our White Mountain huts and lodges.

Essential qualifications: love of learning about the natural world and sparking that interest in others; an affinity for the Maine Woods region; an outgoing, friendly personality; and the ability to plan and lead programs and walks. Volunteers must also be at least 18 years old and pass a criminal background check. 

Benefits: Receive free meals and lodging (shared bunkroom), option to bring a guest with you at a very discounted rate, and enjoy abundant free time in the outdoors. 

Schedule and Time Commitment: Summer Volunteer Naturalist stints are available as overnights on weekends (arrive Fri late afternoon, depart late morning Sunday), or sets of weekdays (arrive Sunday depart Wednesday, or arrive Wednesday depart Friday). Volunteers can also link two stints if they prefer to be on-site for 4 or 5 nights in a row. Most Naturalists opt to volunteer for two stints each summer, with each of those stints spanning 2 or 3 nights; others will opt to volunteer once for 4 or 5 nights in a row; and others will volunteer for two long stints for up to 10 nights total. Volunteers should be interested in participating in the Volunteer Naturalist program for at least three years.

Training: Training includes an in-person training component June 21-22 as well as a few online sessions in May/June.

Locations: AMC's Medawisla Lodge and/or Gorman Chairback Lodge

Event Start Date: Please note that the February 29th date on Nature Groupie is listed because February is the best time to inquire about becoming an AMC Volunteer Naturalist. Some volunteer roles fill up by March, so please reach out now if you are interested.

To Learn More: Reach out to Kyra Salancy, AMC's Outdoor Program Centers Volunteer Coordinator, at amcvolservices@outdoors.org.


Contact Kyra Salancy at amcvolservices@outdoors.org or 603-374-8521.

Location Details
