Can we ask you something?

Since we first started Nature Groupie, we have wanted to hear from you - how did the volunteer experience go, was it educational, was it fun? We are excited to finally have the ability to hear from people who volunteer through Nature Groupie! Starting in January, 2020, those signing up to volunteer through the Nature Groupie website will be randomly chosen to respond to a 5-question online survey about their experience volunteering for nature.
"We can't wait to hear from more volunteers," says Nature Groupie Manager Malin Clyde of UNH Extension. "With so much volunteer action happening in New England, it's important to hear from our volunteer audience - what they care about, which generation they belong to, and even what gets in the way of volunteering, since we know everyone is super busy."

To better understand outdoor volunteers, the Nature Groupie team has designed a short, easy-to-complete online survey that will go out to some (around 35%) of those who sign up to volunteer through the website each quarter. Volunteers who respond will have a chance to win Nature Groupie merchandise, such as the new enamel Nature Groupie mug awarded to one volunteer after the first survey went out in January, 2020. "I shall drink from it proudly," shared the winner, who registered for a training through Nature Groupie last fall.
The online survey, sent directly to a select group of volunteers from, will go out quarterly in January, April, July, and October.
We can't wait to hear from you!