Local Volunteers Caring For Our Backyards: The Importance of Conservation Commissions

people standing around a kiosk

What is a Conservation Commission? 

A conservation commission is a municipal committee of volunteer stewards who help conserve and care for town conservation land. They act as stewards of the natural resources and the wildlife inhabiting these areas, working diligently to ensure their conservation and preservation and provide outdoor opportunities to the local public. These members are volunteering their time to help care for the land in their town! 

person showing something outside
Lee Conservation Commission showing us a rare plant.
Property managed by the Lee Conservation Commission.

What do Conservation Commissions do? 

Each Conservation Commission oversees the management of that town’s conservation land. These lands can be under a conservation easement the town manages or the land may be owned by the town. Conservation Commissions manage the land for things like wildlife habitat through different wildlife and forestry management practices, preservation of recreational space like trail building and trail maintenance, and educational outreach.

people standing next to a pile of pulled invasive plants
Nature Groupie interns with a brush pile of invasives cleaned off a stone wall with the Newmarket Conservation Commission.

What you can do:  

Like many other conservation based organizations, Conservation Commissions would love your your help! There are many ways you can get involved:


A group of people standing in a forest

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