Gus Muscato Headshot

Gus Muscato

Summer Intern 2019

My Name is August Muscato and I have just finished my junior year as an Environmental Conservation and Sustainability student here at the University of New Hampshire. I can’t overstate my excitement to be able to put into action what I’ve been learning in my classes as a summer intern for Nature Groupie, where we will be working with both public and private partners to fulfill a variety of environmental projects in the Seacoast region of New Hampshire. We will have the opportunity to work with the Town of Durham Land Stewardship Committee, the Shoals Marine Lab, New Hampshire Fish and Game, and many more!

I was born and raised in the small town of East Bridgewater, Massachusetts, a town small enough that it didn’t even have its own grocery store! I realized my passion for the outdoors as a small child, growing up alongside my dog and exploring the outdoors with her. Friends and I would make tree forts, catch frogs and salamanders, and go on hikes in our spare time. As I got older, my love for the outdoors remained the same until this last year when I went on two road trips, one to Yellowstone National Park and the other to Big Bend National Park. These trips outside of New England sparked a new passion and started me towards a goal of eventually working for the National Park Service.

I can’t wait to get started this summer and engage with the communities and individuals in New Hampshire that are here to make a difference. I look forward to working with Nature Groupie’s partners and incorporating the skills I’ve learned in the classroom to the field, as well as acquiring new skills and knowledge that will continue to help mold me onto the right path for my future career.

Gus’s Stories