Paddling With Dragons
Black River Action Team
Saturday, August 10, 2024 • 1:00pm–4:00pm
8614 VT 100N
Plymouth, VT 05056
United States
High Adventure
About the Event
Join Farm & Wilderness Conservation and the Black River Action Team in partnership with the Ottauquechee Natural Resource Conservation District for a group paddle on Woodward Reservoir in Plymouth, VT. We will explore the reservoir, observe and identify aquatic plants, and participate in a dragonfly survey!
The Black River Action Team (B.R.A.T) partners with Farm & Wilderness to host a special three-hour paddling "safari" on Woodward Reservoir on Route 100N in Plymouth VT. Explore the reservoir (special care to be taken around the floating bog!) at your leisure, and participate in the entirely-optional dragonfly safari. Learn about 'exuviae,' the empty larval exoskeletons left behind when aquatic dragonfly larvae leave the water to become winged adults...and why B.R.A.T. collects and identifies them. Upload observations to our iNaturalist project and be part of the Dragonfly Detectives Team on Facebook!
This event is free and open all ages, children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. All participants need to register for the event so we know how many folks to expect!
Parking and Meet Up Location: Woodward Reservoir Boat Launch
If you would like to participate but would need to borrow a boat and/or a lifejacket, please email conservation@farmandwilderness.org and we can do our best to find one for you to borrow.
What to bring
Youth Instructions
Contact Elisabeth Elisabeth at conservation@farmandwilderness.org or (802) 738-0456.