Urban Bird Nerd - American Robin Study
University of New Hampshire
- June 1–September 30
This is an ongoing Citizen Science Experience. Contact the sponsoring organization to join in.
High Adventure
The Urban Bird Nerd Team at the University of New Hampshire is doing a pilot study in the summer of 2023 to study the behavior and breeding of American Robins in Hillsborough, Strafford, and Rockingham Counties in New Hampshire.
Do you have an American Robin nesting on your property? Be a part of this exciting study and report your nest! If you report a next, what happens?
In-person monitoring: If you are willing, UNH scientist Karina Sanchez and her students will visit your yard weekly to monitor the nest. You may also choose to monitor your nest yourself and join Dr. Sanchez as a collaborator in her work!
Dr. Sanchez has a federal and state permit to capture and put bands on the legs of selected robins to help identify them in the future. Participants in this project will get a chance to learn how to hold a captured bird!
Report Your Nest
Questions? To learn more or ask questions check out urbanbirdnerd.com or contact Dr. Karina Sanchez at urbanbirdner@gmail.com.